The Greeting Card Shop now offers the ability to send a gift card inside each greeting card. Currently, we offer consumers the ability to purchase $25.00, $50.00 or $100.00 gift cards.
- Numerous surveys have shown that people prefer to receive gift cards above all other gift options.
- By ordering your gift card along with your greeting card, you completely remove the hassle of sending a gift!
- Gift Cards can be sent to a recipient in the United States and will be valid for redemption at participating United States retail locations.
- Gift Cards may not be accepted at all
- Gift Cards cannot be sent to a recipient outside the United States, as the gift card will not be valid and/or accepted for redemption outside the United States.
Note: A total charge of $5.00 will be added to the face value of the gift card, ($25.00 or $50.00). The $5.00 represents a $2.00 activation fee, plus $3.00 for shipping, handling and fulfillment services related to the gift card purchase.
Note: A total charge of $7.50 will be added to the face value of the gift card, ($100.00). The $7.50 represents a $4.50 activation fee, plus $3.00 for shipping, handling and fulfillment services related to the gift card purchase.